Your Health, Our Priority
SL Meedik offers over 30 years of healthcare experience,
utilizing our expertise to assess and prevent health risks while providing high-quality services.

Our mission is to provide personalized healthcare services for you and your family. Our team offers assistance with various health concerns, including general and internal medicine, gynecology and pediatric care, as well as various tests, analyses and procedures.
We ensure quick access to appointments and professional care to address your health needs.
Reet Lindström

Mari Laan

Sven Lindström

Health Management
Our Personal Doctor, part of our Concierge Doctor’s service, operates on a health management model aimed at fostering effective communication between you and your doctor. Using digital channels, you can promptly reach out to discuss any health concerns and receive assessments. If necessary, your doctor can easily schedule follow-up appointments, either on-site or through convenient home or office visits.
Your Personal Doctor is committed to preventive care, offering guidance to help you avoid health issues and providing advice when they arise. Our team will also coordinate any required examinations, tests, or specialist appointments on your behalf, based on the doctor’s professional assessment of necessity.
Building a trusting relationship with your doctor encourages open communication and enhances your satisfaction with our service.
- Direct communication with your doctor via digital channels
- Comprehensive analyses and procedures
- Convenient home or office visits
- Specialized services such as physical therapists, personal trainers, nutritional counseling etc.
How to get started with our Concierge Doctor service?
During the initial consultation, we will discuss your health situation and jointly assess the necessity for possible analyses and procedures. Based on this, we can offer the most suitable package for you.
Schedule an appointment for the initial consultation
Discuss your needs with the doctor
Complete your contract
Meie teenuste hulka kuuluvad mitmekülgse ja usaldusväärse ravi tagamiseks sisehaiguste, naiste- ja lastearsti ning teiste spetsialistide vastuvõtud, samuti paljud analüüsid ja protseduurid. Kui teil on tervise kohta küsimusi või selle pärast muresid, võite alati meie meeskonna poole pöörduda.
Tutvuge allpool meie teenuste laia valikuga ning leidke enda ja oma pere jaoks sobivad lahendused.
Sisehaiguste, naiste- ja lastearsti ning teiste spetsialistide kiire vastuvõtt. Oleme abiks nii ennetamisel ja ravi määramisel kui ka vajaduse korral ravi korrigeerimisel.
Meie eesmärk on võtta teid kiiresti vastu ja aidata esimesel võimalusel tervisemuresiddiagnoosida ja mõista ning need lahendada.
Lahendame günekoloogilised probleemid, sh tupevoolus, kõhuvalu, menstruatsioonitsükli häired, peale selle diagnoosime rasedust ja aitame rasedusaegsete küsimustega. Samuti nõustame üleminekuea vaevustega ja määrame vajaduse korral hormoonasendusravi.
Pakume laia valikut analüüse ja teste, sh vere- ja uriinianalüüsid ning kiirtestid. Tavaliselt hindavad meie arstid või õed analüüside vajalikkust ise, kuid soovi korral saate neid lasta teha ka ilma saatekirjata.
Meie pikaaegse kogemusega üld- ja eriarstid ning õed pakuvad kohapeal laia valikut protseduure, nagu EKG, kõrvavaigu eemaldamine, ultraheliuuringud ja vaktsineerimine. Samuti teeme kohapeal pisikirurgilisi protseduure, nt sissekasvanud küüne, sünnimärgi või muu nahamoodustise eemaldamine.
Meie füsioteraapia ja taastusravi teenus on mõeldud neile, kes vajavad pärast vigastust või operatsiooni kehalist taastumist, kuid ka liigese- ja lihasvalude all kannatajatele. Meie spetsialistid on pühendunud teie tervenemisele ja heaolu parandamisele ning aitavad naasta aktiivse eluviisi juurde ilma valu ja piiranguteta.

Dr Sven Lindström
Dr Sven Lindström is a General Practitioner and a Specialist of Internal Medicine. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Tartu in 1977. Following graduation, he worked at the Internal Medicine Department and served as the director of the Haematology Department of the Tallinn Central Hospital. He is the co-founder of SL Meedik Health Centre and has been working there since 1993.
- In 1988, he defended his doctoral degree in Medical Science.
- He has been honored with the Estonian Doctor of the Year award.

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